The Father. The Father has always existed from all eternity. He is neither created, nor made, nor begotten, nor generated. He has neither beginning nor end. There never was a time he did not exist, and there never will be a time that he will not exist. God has always existed, and God will always exist. He is the Eternal Now. In Exodus 3:14, God reveals his name to Moses, saying, “I am who I am.” What and Who he is today is what and who he has always been, and will always be.
He has always been as he is today. In other words, what he is today is what he has always been. Put differently, there never was a time when he was not what he is today, and there never will be a time when he will not be what he is today. Thus, he declares: I am the Lord; I do not change.” (Mal. 3:6).
He is perfect without defect. He is beyond comparison. He is infinite in wisdom, power, goodness, love, holiness, and in all his other attributes. No adjective, quality, attribute, or property can sufficiently define, describe, or delineate God because he is infinite.
He knows all things. He is neither limited by space nor time. He is present everywhere. He is the “one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.” (Eph. 4:6).
His infinite intelligence and power cannot be limited, stopped, circumscribed, or impeached by anything or by anyone. There is no place where his power ends and where the power of another person begins. He is the All-in-All.
He is mysterious in all his ways. Thus, the psalmist exclaims: “To me, how mysterious your thoughts, the sum of them cannot be numbered! If I count them, they are more than the sand; to finish, I must be eternal, like you.” (Psa. 139:17-18).
He is a good Father. He knows what plans he has for us; plans for our good, and not to harm us; plans for a bright hope and future. (Jer. 29:11). Entrust your plans to him.
The Son. The Son is neither created nor made; he is begotten of the Father from all eternity. Thus, just as the Father has life in himself, so also he gave to the Son the possession of life in himself. (Jn. 5:26). At the appointed time, the Son became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ is always able to save those who come to God through him because he lives forever to intercede for us. (Jn. 1:14).
The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is neither created, nor made, nor begotten, nor generated; he proceeded from the Father and the Son from all eternity. The Most Holy Trinity terminates in the Person of the Holy Spirit. After him there is no other Divine Person. He is co-eternal, co-equal, and co-substantial with the Father and the Son. He holds the same infinite power with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit knows the mind of the Father and the Son. St Paul declares that no one knows the mind of God except the Spirit of God. And Jesus declares that the Holy Spirit will glorify him because it is from him that the Holy Spirit will receive what he will make known to you. (I Cor. 2:11b; Jn. 16:14). He is all love. He works in unison with the Father and the Son.
For those who are going through rough times, the Holy Spirit can make their path level and smooth. Thus, the psalmist says: Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good Spirit guide me in ways that are level and smooth. (Ps. 143:10).
Let us pray. O God the Father, who anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, grant me spiritual, emotional, and psychological healing. Grant me also freedom and protection from the evil one. Be with me even to my last breath so that I may be in heaven with you forever and ever. Amen.