There are three main effects of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Blessed Virgin Mary and on the Apostles on the day of Pentecost. First, they received the power of the Holy Spirit. Shortly before he ascended to heaven, Jesus said to his disciples: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. (Acts 1:8).
Second, they received the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, namely: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and the fear of the Lord. Each person received these gifts in proportion to their merits and the will of the Lord. Wisdom enables one to be wise, prudent, and smart. Understanding enables one to understand the scripture, the meaning of various bible verses, and the mysteries of God. Counsel helps one to seek good advice and to advice oneself. Fortitude empowers one to be strong and courageous within reason. For example, the apostles had locked themselves up in a room for fear of the authorities. However, after they received the Holy Spirit, they began to preach with boldness. “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.” (Acts 4:31). Knowledge enables one to know things either through natural study and observation or through supernatural revelation. Piety inspires one to be prayerful and to respect sacred persons, things, and places. The fear of the Lord helps one to humble oneself before the Lord and to have reverence for the Lord.
Third, they received the charisms or extraordinary manifestations of the Holy Spirit such as speaking in tongues, miraculously healing the blind and crippled, raising the dead back to life, etc. Although the external signs of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit are no longer outwardly manifested as in the apostolic age, nonetheless, the effects of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit remain the same in our present age.
We are called to live and act under the vivifying influence of the Holy Spirit. It is only through a rich effusion of the Holy Spirit into our soul, intellect, will, and heart, can we undertake the work of God. And only by cooperating with him can we successfully bear testimony to Christ. In addition, the efficacy of the proclamation of the word of God is not by the persuasive words of human wisdom, but by the power of the Holy Spirit so that people’s faith might not be based on human wisdom, but on the power of God. (I Cor. 2:4-5).
It is the Holy Spirit who inspires people for ministry in the Church. For without the vivifying Spirit, one’s ministry in the Church would be ineffective. However, with the constant invocation of the Holy Spirit and the humble beseeching of his divine assistance, we become trustworthy ministers of Christ and suitable instruments of the Holy Spirit. In conclusion, pray in the Spirit on every occasion with every prayer and supplication. (Eph. 6:11).
Let us pray. O Holy Spirit, I most humbly beseech you to come afresh into my heart and soul and make my heart and soul one with you. Come and fill me with divine influences and graces according to your holy will. Come and bless my soul, so that it may aspire after you, seek after your gifts, and participate in your divine love. Let your divine fire consume all that is sinful in my soul and purify, and raise my soul to a higher degree of existence, union, and consciousness with you. Bless my heart with your peace, love, and protection. For you live and reign with the Father and the Son, one God, forever and ever. Amen.